Sunday, January 24, 2016

napkin and crayon

I went to the comedy club tonight and had switched coats, this one didn't have deep pockets like another one does. it meant I didn't have pen and paper with me like I normally do. so I decided to write my set list on a napkin with a crayon. it worked fine, and this led to another joke to do. there were others that were 'answer jokes', like about the balcony critics on the muppets. also one about m and m candies.
  I liked staying in today. I woke up this morning earlier than expected, and eventually I did fall asleep and felt better than I did. I watched the movie 'only the lonely' on DVD as I said to my date how this movie helps to understand me. memorable is when the ally sheedy character said to the john candy character, 'fight for me!' I also liked the one where john's character punches his brother after he swore at him, in reference to saying his bride was 'plain'. my date said this movie is not on Netflix though. I did say via text message how I should try to see some of my date's favorite movies. this includes 'lord of the rings'. I have seen some in that series, but not all. I am still going through ideas on what we can do next. we both like godfather's pizza, but it is hard to find in the twin cities metro area. not many full service locations. some are gas-station locations, limited menu. but a date at a gas station doesn't sound too appealing.
  I did watch some of the two pro football playoff games, the broncos and panthers advanced to the super bowl. but I still needed to do things like take care of the dishes and recycling. I saw more of the first game, where the broncos edged the patriots 20-18. the panthers-cardinals game was on where I was performing comedy. panthers were way ahead at the end of the 3rd quarter. I also took back some grocery store carts, 8 in all. one of them had one of those barrel-shaped water containers, like for the office. I got a picture of it in the cart, yes still doing the Vivian maier thing. I later noticed this container was cracked. I did put it into a trash barrel.

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