Wednesday, February 24, 2016

hey mr. tambourine man

'hey mr. tambourine man' was the song I heard when I was getting popcorn tonight before going to the comedy venue. also memorable was somebody asking to borrow my phone and I turned them down. it went well performing, and I did include this bit in my set. the show runner liked it when I did another one and said 'prove it' in reference to somebody claiming it was a Pontiac trans-am that was in the movie 'smokey and the bandit'.
   I usually don't pay much attention to the TV show 'goldbergs' but I did tonight as it mentioned ruben amaro jr., who played for the phillies like his dad did. I found out some of what is on the show is accurate, after checking the Wikipedia page for ruben. he did go to a school called William penn in philadephia, and later on to college at Stanford. there was also mention of 'eddie the eagle' Edwards, who was an Olympic ski jumper. sounds like there is a bio-pic about him coming out soon.
   I went to a round-table at the office that was held in the first half of the work-day, but it seemed to be too much like the others. it was one big gripe session, and a few had way more to say than the others. it also went past its time allotment, 60 minutes. I left at 90 minutes. the new site leader is deciding to have them.

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