Sunday, February 28, 2016

suburbia exhibit

I went to the suburbia exhibit at the MN history center in st. paul this afternoon. I liked seeing plenty of older Charlie brown cartoons, and I got pictures of them. I said I need to go now as the exhibit is closing soon, next month. I learned things as expected, starting with the opening segment which had postcard replicas on the wall and spoke of some parts of the city that were once suburbs. this is true of Dayton's bluff, now in st. paul. there was a hard plastic cow statue as well. and a place to throw beanbags through holes, depicting a dog in the yard in front of a house. there was a 'blue boy' portrait, I know my grandma had one of these. there was something about the Nixon kitchen debate, and maytag sponsoring a contest. a few things about general electric as well. I liked seeing displays about the area's malls, including the four 'dales'. of course the first was 'southdale' in Edina. another was called knollwood if I am not mistaken, hadn't heard of it but some said to me it is in st. louis park. southdale had a red owl grocery store, I am more familiar with super valu. great seeing what looked like 'loyalty program stamps'. also great getting a student discount, was told I looked like a grad student, but I am not. I said I like the quote by john Steinbeck, the writer, who said 'I am a student of life'. plenty of buttons to push to show videos, including lucy and desi from 'I love lucy'.
   I did perform in the evening, it went well as I did things about the shoe purchase this week. another was a joke about the bright light I saw onstage, hard to ignore. and I made mention of perkins having a meltdown on facebook, claiming he would make his account inactive but he hasn't. I made a reference to a relevant song, 'my immortal' by evanescence, and got 17 likes. some said it was a 'burn'.

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