Tuesday, March 15, 2016

mrs. freshley's honey buns

I finally got caught up in chores tonight after I had a date. the last thing left was doing dishes, as I normally do them over the weekend. well I said it was probably a good idea to do them as I had a mild case of diarrhea right before the date. don't want that to happen at all, including due to the dishes I use. but hard to say why it happened. I panicked a little, but I knew what to do.
   Of course when I do the dishes there is also recycle. when I was taking the recycle out to the bin I noticed a box of mrs. freshley's honey buns. I said this was a photo op, yes I am still doing the Vivian maier thing, readers. odd how I felt the soggy box and noticed there was still some product in it. the box said there was 6 honey buns in it, I found four left! so I got a picture of the box and the contents and then sent it to a trash bin. they were probably still good as those items are individually wrapped, but I didn't want to take any chances and I had eaten already anyway. those snack foods also tend to have plenty of sugar. I do still hate seeing things go to waste though.
   yes I had a date tonight. I think it was the first one since january. it was at a coffee shop, we spoke for over two hours and heard employees say they were closing in a few minutes so this one looks promising. my date spoke of being at NYU, for graduate studies, and gustavus Adolphus, for undergrad. but I know the thing is getting past the first date, as well as the third, and this hardly ever happens for me. we still have to figure out scheduling for the next one. it sounds like my date's job entails longer hours than mine, being in charge of things related to I.T. if I am not mistaken.
   the gift cards I had ordered last week have arrived, and it works well to have them sent home. I tried having them sent to the office but there was a greater chance of them getting lost in the shuffle.

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