Thursday, March 17, 2016

picture frames

I decided to replace some of my picture frames tonight. this was due to finding some at the office. it was odd to see so many things left in a box in a breakroom next to a trash bin. so I looked through it and said some of it was worth claiming. besides three picture frames, I kept a piggy bank and a notebook. some of what was in the box was junk. and some was re-deployed in the breakroom, as there was a salt shaker and a box of tea bags in it. no doubt I can use the notebook when I do comedy and like being able to write things down. like most people, I have had some piggy banks over the years. one of them was actually a cat, but it is long gone. it seemed unsafe to have a bank that said 'cut to open'. the one I have is in a Christmas stocking and doesn't have much in it, and is hard plastic and not the type that can be cut. I was pleased how there was something in the bank I found, and it is going into my change bank. it was 15 cents, a dime and 5 pennies. the replaced frames were acrylic or plastic, and had photos of my dad or friends from school in them so these photos and frames had been around for a while. there were already photos in the frames I claimed, but I took the existing photos out and those were left with the rest of the junk. I did see the same name on some of what was found, nobody I knew. must have been an employee who left the company. I didn't say anything about it to anyone, and was discreet about it. I went into the breakroom to look at the contents only when nobody else was there, although I brought back the box to my cube. again, it was late in the day after most people in my department had left. thankfully nobody asked any questions like 'what are you doing?' as it was none of their business when it is fair game. but of course carrying a box in the hall isn't likely to raise eyebrows when there is so much activity at the office. I don't think this is necessarily known as 'dumpster diving', especially when it wasn't a dumpster. at midday I did see some of the st. Patrick's day parade that was happening right by my workplace. I stamped out for lunch around 12:30pm and saw about 15 minutes of it. I got some beads and candy and took 5 pictures so it was worthwhile.
   it was fine staying home tonight. even though my plans were to watch some of the college basketball tournament, I fell asleep in my easy chair. when I woke up I saw station I.D. at the bottom of the screen, knowing it was the top of the hour. I found out it was 9pm, and knew I needed to get up and go do some things like get a shake at mcdonald's. it became strawberry as they were out of shamrock. I was behind on going through my mail, but there wasn't too many important things in it though there are some birthday cards still arriving. notable was the postcard saying 'hi to myself' about my visit to suburban Chicago arrived! I knew it might take a while when it was dropped in the mail on sunday afternoon just before leaving for O'Hare airport. it went into a photo album, like most of my postcards do. it was nice to see what was happening with the college basketball tournament, as some of the games were from des moines. no surprise how the landmark shown was the state capitol, as it is near the arena and it stands out from a distance when it has a gold dome. I did watch two 'big bang theory' episodes tonight, both syndicated reruns. I had to remind myself how there would be no prime time episodes when the college basketball tournament is on. the first one was about Sheldon going to a basement room to play hackey sack. the second was about the dudes watching movies like the second 'back to the future' instead of getting important science work done. also in the second one the ladies went to las vegas but penny had to study and she was called a party pooper. but she got her revenge on the other two at the end of the episode.

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