Friday, April 21, 2017

face in the crowd movie

after having an evening meal at taco bell tonight, the first time in a while, I watched another DVD on loan from the library. it was 'face in the crowd', starring andy Griffith and walter Matthau. a friend from the comedy circuit had mentioned it on facebook and this is what prompted me to find it. it was about a man's rise and fall, starting as a drunk in a county jail in Arkansas. this is a compelling story, about the influence he had for a while. I had to go back and watch some scenes again as I was afraid I had missed too much due to being tired, laying down in my easy chair while watching the movie. as the saying goes, 'what goes up must come down'. I watched some of the special features as well, putting it into historical perspective better. it was released in 1957, not long after the joe McCarthy witch-hunts. it seemed to be a warning how television, still a new medium at the time, can make or break people. apparently not many understood it then, as it was a box-office flop, but many understand it now. I guess it explains why the movie became popular enough to be released onto DVD. the main character greatly relies on the woman that discovered him at the county jail. and one scene reminds me of a saying that my dad has about politicians he doesn't like- 'wouldn't want them for dog catcher'. although I responded one time by saying they might be good at being a dog catcher, but not in political office. he reminded me how it is just a figure of speech.
    at the office we had a pizza party with a tropical theme, but I did not have a tropical shirt so I wore a shirt that the company had given me. the food was nearly an hour late as we were told the order was entered as '11:45pm' instead of 'am', in terms of when the delivery was to be made. no big deal to me, as I found things to do, namely work, while I was waiting. I often don't go to lunch until about 12:30pm anyway, so for my purposes I was basically still eating close to 'on time'. my cohort brought in some banana bread in the morning and I had some of it as well. my boss was out of the office today, he said his in-laws were in town and wanted to see some more of them before their flight departed. it also looks like I have some interest from office colleagues on seeing me perform in a comedy contest next week. I sent a message to them saying free tickets were available.

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