Saturday, April 15, 2017

fish fry, north st. paul VFW

I made it to another fish fry, for this good Friday. it was at the north st. paul VFW. I did like this one more than last week's. I had the right amount of food there as I started feeling full around the time I had finished. I liked seeing the crinkle-cut fries there. for dessert they had cake, I said it looked like wedding cake. the free drinks were water and coffee, so I had water. beer would have been extra. during this lent season I had fish somewhere on each Friday. three were at VFW locations, two at churches. one was at a gas station, bobby and steve's. and one was at mcdonald's, on a night when I was performing so I didn't have that much time to eat. there were some things I liked about each one. as expected, I found out it was best to get there as early as possible. this runs counter to how I normally approach the evening meal on a Friday, since I like watching the 6pm news and then a rerun of 'big bang theory'. but I know well enough to find a way to adapt, if I want something bad enough.
   after I was done there, I took a walk around the neighborhood. I found 10 cents, all pennies, mostly at the car wash. I also went to the family dollar and got some supplies I needed, a bottle of mustard and some toilet paper. the cashier noticed I looked at the CDs and DVDs but didn't buy any. I said I have some that I bought and haven't watched yet, so I know it is a good idea to be picky. while at the office I called to get an auto insurance quote as I got another one of those shell gas gift cards. I tried to call about putting a charge in dispute from the car rental when I visited Chicago in February, but I wanted to tell them what the estimated charge was so they would know how much of a difference it was. then when I found it they were closed for the night, so I have to try again the next day to present what I have. also at the office, we finished up finding the titles for another sale project. this one didn't take as long, two weeks. but it was easier to do when we didn't have to log out not founds or contracts. there were no contracts to find. and of course having to print contracts is time-consuming as well.

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