Tuesday, February 5, 2019

it's a group home

i had a job interview at midday, but it seemed less than professional to me on their part. for one thing, I had to contact them a second time to confirm that the appointment was agreed to by them and where it would be. although I found their website, I prefer to hear it from them. so about 2 hours prior, they got back to me. and I found out upon arrival that it was to be in a group home, and the interview was in the basement. it was also hard to understand this interviewer, and I am told there will be no benefits for this position. and I have no experience working in group homes. I spoke of having family that worked in nursing homes, but when the job title said 'administrator' it was confusing as this usually means 'in charge of everybody'. so it is no big deal if they don't hire me, as I don't think I would want the job anyway. I went to the drug test in the afternoon, and I needed help to get the sample as it was at a time of day when I didn't need to go to the bathroom. so I was given some bottled water, and drank some more from the water fountain, and eventually I was ready to go. first drug test for work in 20 years. it was in west st. paul, close to a costume shop I had been to before. I was expecting to get a call mid-morning about yet another job, but they never called me. so I am not sure what that means, but I also know he called me on Monday after I said by email that I didn't have time to talk right them so I already don't have a good impression of the company.
    I made it to the family dollar in the evening after my meal as I was still hungry, and needed a few other things besides food. I got some peanut butter crackers, potato chips, and the non-food items I bought were soap. I noticed how snow removal was happening near the store even though it hadn't quit snowing just yet. then later on I went to perform. and it meant a lot to get to this venue as I skipped it last week, too cold. I didn't recognize the fill-in MC, but caught their cue being kind of like another show runner doing the 'daunte culpepper gesture' as a way of 'lighting' me.

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