Wednesday, February 27, 2019

lock before you walk

more than once today, I saw people get dinged at work because they did not lock up their computer before leaving the training room. it led to the trainer leaving plenty of stickies on their monitor, which said 'lock before you walk'. we were reminded of how important it is related to security. I had hoped to close more cases than the previous day, but it was not to be. I closed two cases. I had hoped it would be three, but I asked to be checked at the end of the day and found out it was non-reviewable. so I felt bad about how much time I spent looking at it. it was one of two that happened to be non-reviewable. but I think this will help with learning what to look for, although I wish there was a better way than trial and error. the trainer had hoped to see fruit in the breakroom this morning, but it was not there. but it was there around midday. and some of it was pears, in addition to the apples and bananas. I already have bananas at home, so I have been getting an apple a day. some were late due to the weather, a hold-over from the snowfall overnight. I was still early, but not as much as before so it meant doing no reading from a book. no big deal to me. it is hard to tell how many people are still in the class, the trainer said when there was a visitor that there was 12. we started with 14, so I am not sure if they were just absent for the day or had already been cut. I guess I am a little paranoid since my last job was with an agency and it ended way too early. but all I can do is show up every day and do the best I can. and tell myself that we still have plenty of time to practice things before it counts. we got a 'mentor' in the afternoon, so now there are two people who can check cases.
   at the performance venue tonight, I spoke some about the new job. it was great to see magic man, he went on near the end of the show. I tend to go on early at this show. All I care about is being part of the lineup so I don't mind going on early, this week it was third. I also spoke about a junior high teacher in my set. A later comic tried to roast me with the story and of course it didn't land with me. for one thing, he didn't pay attention to the story. I get annoyed with anyone who can't get their facts straight. I actually arrived at the venue before the show runner did, as he was finding his way from a show he was a part of across town.

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