Wednesday, February 27, 2019

shot in the melon

there was a man that wanted to talk to me after I was done performing tonight. he asked me if I had heard of a certain open-mic, I had not. later one he found me again, and spoke of being shot twice, one of those was in the melon. then he spoke about an open-mic, maybe the same one. I said there was one I had performed at in that area, and it sounded like the same one. but I was referring to it as a re-purposed building and not its current name/occupant. so it was weird without a doubt, but I am used to meeting some weirdos when I am at the performance venues. the show runner it sounded like has sweatshirts for sale, which explains why I saw some on a table near the microphone.
   at work I asked to work independently on practicing with claims, as it was hard to find anyone to pair up with anyway. I feel like I learn more this way. one classmate wanted a private talk with the trainer early in the day, then she ended up leaving early. I was able to notice how the door shut to a conference room as I was passing by. I was able to close two cases. I did say that I have to motivate myself more at my age to get through learning a new process as I end up thinking, 'I am a rookie again?' we all like being experienced at things but it means going through being a rookie. and I know I am willing to learn and just need to be given the room to grow.

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