Friday, May 3, 2019

commuter movie, liam neeson

this evening I watched a DVD movie on loan from the library, 'the commuter'. I didn't  know many of the actors in this movie, just liam neeson and vera Farmiga. I wanted to see it because it is a thriller. in fact I even said 'it's done' and there was even more of the movie. it really only became a good movie, living up to being a thriller, when it got onto the train. before that was just setup, the main character meeting his cop friend, for one thing. then after watching it and the late local news I went out to do some karaoke. I sang 'little talks' by of monsters and men.
   at work I scored 273 tests. I wanted to pick up the pace when I saw the release of the first numbers. I recall getting a letter, well after the season ended, saying I wasn't fast enough. so of course I want to go as quick as possible. somebody brought in a book from 1951 that had poetry in it, including the poem by Robert louis Stevenson- the one we are reading essays about. after work I picked up a few items at a Walgreen, on the way home. I saw a few emails about jobs, I will have to see how I can handle interviews while I am test scoring as I want to minimize the time off that is needed.

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