Saturday, May 11, 2019

wrangler ranch play

i saw a play this evening, 'wrangler ranch', at the middle school in Roseville. I saw the poster for this show at the library, and made a point of telling them what advertising worked when I bought my ticket. I arrived less than 10 minutes before the curtain went up. I got some popcorn and water before the show. it was about a long-lost grandson being enrolled at a ranch after being found at a new jersey pizza parlor by the rich grandma. I noticed well the background for the scenes at the pizza parlor, as there was pictures of famous Italians and it appeared that lady gaga was one of them. it was the final performance of the series, explains why there was more ceremonial things than just the curtain calls by the cast. it meant handing out gift bags to various people. hard to ignore the hat the lead actor was wearing- a gaudy oversized foam cowboy hat. also compelling was the old-school guy who was also a rodeo clown. during intermission I walked around some, and had to get assertive with an annoying man who wanted to make jokes about iowa after seeing my sweatshirt. besides verbal self-defense, I also knew well enough to get away from him.
   it was a busy day. it started off with checking my p.o. box, 3 orders there. I went to the window to pay for the greeting card I wanted, with a babe ruth quote on it. I also paid for 6 more months of the rental of my p.o. box. then it was on to test scoring, as overtime was being offered. I got a bagel with plain cream cheese, as the company decided to order them. I scored 96 tests, decent for the weekend. after work I went to the grocery store, and then to do laundry. I saw somebody I knew from the performing circuit, the spouse of the lady that likes to hug me. and I did some karaoke, it was 'boy named sue' by johnny cash.

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