Tuesday, May 21, 2019

rapper needed background music

there was more than one rapper tonight at the open-mic I went to. the last performer of the night tried to rap but couldn't get very far. then he put on some background music and sounded way better. due to my set, I liked hearing things I hadn't heard before about the show runner. I spoke of how I had attended boxing matches in person and may do so again this summer, and he said he had been an amateur boxer in his younger years. he also spoke of a quote by mike Tyson. the dude right before me was a rapper that I performed with on new year's day, I still like the passion he has while performing.
   at work we closed out a project, and it was surprising how we were offered another one to fill out the day. I scored 33 tests and then 78. I guess they were way behind on the project we started in on after it took just 90 minutes to close out a project we started just over 3 weeks ago. since I need the money and wanted to stay busy, I accepted. but of course I have to move to the one I had already
accepted on Thursday, so I can do just one more day of this one. I brought a can of ravioli, as well as the animal crackers, in my lunch bag so I didn't need to hunt around for lunch anywhere. we were given a longer lunch and I decided to fill in the time by taking a longer walk. I responded to a voicemail and I have an interview scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. I will do it in my car where I can hear them better. it means most of my lunch will be devoted to it, but I will allow for it by having a different lunch than typical. then I won't need to deliver a note for a schedule variation.

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