Thursday, May 23, 2019

return to workshop

i went to perform tonight and at first we didn't have any crowd members, only comics. so the show runner decided to make it into a workshop. I hadn't done one of these in a while. I was on first after the show runner, and I did get some feedback about being accident prone as well as visiting a book shop. later on some audience did trickle in, eventually we had six people. some I think had been at the nearby soccer match. before the show started I was asked to pull the screen down to cover up most of the mirror, previously it was magic man who did this. he did show up eventually. a bartender recognized me from being there for karaoke in the past, this surprised me a little.
   at work I scored 134 tests, and I am aware of how I was going slower. they were typed up, and it is harder to read some of them not being sure if it is a '1' or 'not scorable'. not many good papers, and even the scoring director alluded to that. I ended up leaving at 4pm, as we were in 'close out' mode by then and was told there was about 15 minutes left. it still gave me an 8-hour average for the three days this week so far. notable about the day was how I spent my lunchtime, doing a job interview in my car. and it meant having a different kind of lunch than typical, as I had no time to go heat up something in a microwave oven. I had beef jerky and cheese, as well as cheese and crackers. it was for what I called the 'George Clooney job', referring to the movie 'up in the air'. I called and left a voicemail with my college roommate about it as he had something like this when he lived in Memphis, when I visited him there in 2008. he responded by facebook messenger, and I gave a few more details as he had questions about it. I went to checking my email and I saw how they had turned me down. well at least I got an interview, more than what I can say about most jobs I have applied for.
   also after work, I went to get a few items at the nearby dollar store. there is construction happening in that strip mall, but not a big deal as it just meant having to stay off the sidewalk that is in front of the store. I got some photos of what they are doing. still not much posted publicly as to when, or if , any new businesses are arriving. before work, I liked hearing a song on my car radio that I hadn't heard much of before. found out it was called 'honesty' by billy joel. how true, as to how the lyrics went. 'honesty is hardly ever heard'.

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