Monday, February 24, 2020

library guest pass

first time I used a library guest pass was this afternoon. the computer just quit on me and I couldn't change it from a blank screen. so I still got plenty done once I switched to another computer. I let an employee know about it, except no 'out of order' sign was put on it. while still at the library, I sent a text message to a classmate asking about another classmate. I got a response as I was on my way home, and responded to it once I got to the comedy club. he was aware of his passing and plans on attending the funeral.
   I went to perform in the evening, and eventually I went to the upper level where I could lay down on a couch. of course I took off my shoes first. although I will admit I was fighting to stay awake. the flautist did not play the flute tonight, as she recited a poem instead to get warmed up for a performance this weekend. I think I had heard it before, it was about somebody being denied use of a public bathroom.
   I didn't do all that much this morning, at least in terms of job searching. I spent some time shredding pages I had pulled out of two shoe boxes though. I filled two plastic shopping bags full and there is still some left to go. I also decided to go through souvenir binders and shave a few pages, freeing up some sheet protectors. it was no problem deciding how to re-deploy them as there were some things I wanted to get into the binders for a while. one of them was an article from the magazine known as 'the writer', something I once subscribed to and I am still on their email list.

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