Thursday, November 18, 2010

ALL CAPS, lower case

One online match sent me a message in all caps, except for her email address. She went right to email stage due to her trial membership running out soon. This is in direct contrast to my writing style, using lowercase whenever I can. Sadly I don't think it will go anywhere, as I checked where she is online, and it's 60 miles away. I prefer matches being 30 miles away or less. Should have checked it before accepting the match, most of the time I do that.
   I stayed an hour past my normal leave time today at work to see that I was caught up before being out on Friday for a mentoring event. It was a high-volume day of special requests, but I wanted to prove I could do them on my own. It meant I was home just in time for prime-time TV. Wanted to watch both of the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving specials but 'Big Bang Theory' was on opposite the first one so I switched over after 'Theory' was done.
    I did some more shredding of catalog pages from a while back, I had been ordering some history books but the club no longer sends out catalogs. There were some pages worth reading- describing the books- even if I didn't buy the book, others were reminders of books on my list. Still, I haven't ordered a book from there since March. Though the recent purchases reminded me of ones on my list, especially since one was mentioned in a book I just bought, about being a similar theme. Thinning out the envelope does make it easier to find the ones I really wanted. I've piled up some bonus points due to my previous orders, would like to see if I can use any of them.

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