Thursday, November 4, 2010

Company wing-ding

There was a company event today, I call them 'wing-dings'. We got to leave work to go to the lower level where it was held, some food and drink and music and games. It was a chance to talk with some people I don't see that much. More fun than redundant training in the morning, since we had some similar training already earlier this week. There was no truth in advertising on the length as well, going 35 minutes over. Made it harder to deliver things in a timely fashion, likely why some stayed away from it.
   I think Emerson Hough would be proud again today, since I went to Caribou and got some 'somersault' granola treats. There was a cowboy on the bag and it said 'Santa Fe flavor', and of course New Mexico was where Hough was a lawyer and started as a writer. The same is true with leaving a comment on the 60 Minutes story about Newton, Iowa. I said the E.H. school closure- mentioned in the feature- was a story as well, in terms of the shady politics over what school was closed. And I said I would have liked mention of Hough being a Newton native, a western writer that became Teddy Roosevelt's friend. Hard to say how many will see the comments, but I'm doing what I can to educate people about Hough. I noticed how Donald Trump made the story about Newton a talking point on Fox News, but that doesn't being jobs to town. Too many people have already made it a political football, and it appears this will continue.

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