Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Red Ribbon Day

I almost forgot to wear red today for the Red Ribbon events, but saw the reminder form in my backpack this morning when putting a book in there to read while riding the bus to work. There was a seminar about teen drug and alcohol use, I thought the main speaker wasn't as articulate as the other two since she kept saying 'and,um'. When somebody does this they aren't very sure of themselves and haven't practiced their material well enough. Some of the things depicted were familiar, as I saw beer bongs in college. Didn't know what one was when I went off to college, was a little naive, had to learn quick.
   It did remind me of a cop talking to us about drugs in 6th grade, as part of the DARE program, but I was informed that DARE has suffered from lack of funding in many places. And I recall 'Red Ribbon Week' in high school. It got me into a picture on the front page of the paper as I was one of those who wore black stripes in the shape of an X, representing those who were killed in drunk driving crashes. I knew that somebody would want to shut me up, and yes it was somebody who was dressed up as the Grim Reaper who gave me those stripes to wear.
   It was a routine Wednesday evening, after getting off the bus I sent two items from the office to a donation bin bear my home. It rained off and on tonight, including on my way to the bin. Picked up some laundry soap at Walgreen, since I finished up the bottle this past weekend.
   Also at work, I got caught up on some paperwork, like submitting another time off form and ordering 2 gift cards after getting an award at a meeting recently. I decided to go with the staples of life- food and clothing- this time, last time it was a bookstore card at Barnes and Noble. I ordered a Red Lobster gift card, and a Kohl's card. I haven't been to a Red Lobster before, but it should be a nice reminder of my vacation in Boston in 2001 where I had lobster for the first time. And it helped me see some of the places where my favorite movie, 'Good Will Hunting', was filmed. I made sure to see the historic sites and a baseball game as well.

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