Monday, December 24, 2012

Ben-Hur and The Beatles

  I was watching 'Jeopardy' today and learned something as usual. The final Jeopardy clue was about a number one hit in 1967 which sampled from 'Greensleeves', among other songs. The answer was the Beatles song 'All you need is love'. Under a category about territorial governors, there was something about a governor who wouldn't pardon Billy the Kid in New Mexico, and host Alex Trebek said this governor wrote 'Ben-Hur'. This was Lew Wallace. I am familiar with how Emerson Hough made it to this area after Pat Garrett shot Billy the Kid. I am not entirely familiar with his time there, as I am more so with his novel-writing days that came later. But it was what inspired him to be a writer, as he originally went there to be a lawyer in White Oaks. With Ben-Hur, I don't think I have seen the movie in its entirety. I know there has been parodies of it, or certain things that were borrowed. This apparently includes the chariot races where one side used 'predator hubcaps' as I called them. I knew this was in 'Grease' when one side used them to tear into the other car on the race for ownership papers on Thunder Road. A college roommate said this was what they borrowed from in a 'Simpsons' episode as well, when doing a soapbox derby race.
   We had an early release at work today. About ten minutes after I returned from lunch my boss informed us we could leave if all of our work was done. I didn't have much left to do, but I still stayed a little longer than others and one colleague said 'go home'. I ended up leaving before 2pm, less than an our after we were informed. At lunchtime I passed through the food court and noticed everything was closed except for McDonald's, no surprise there. They usually stay open later than most. I got some chores done like the recycle and doing dishes before venturing out to walk the dog but I said I was going to watch 'Jeopardy' first. This evening I can look forward to the 'Yule Log' program. I've seen it before, kind of fun to have them play all of the Christmas music. It looks really authentic, with somebody tending the fire.

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