Saturday, December 22, 2012

Uncle Buck

It took me a little while to think of movies comparable to what I'm doing for a friend. Best one I could think of is saying it's sort of like the movie 'Uncle Buck', except I'm just taking care of a dog. Buck does more than this, as he is also taking care of kids. Three in all, one of them a teenager. With the dog, the most memorable scene would be when he lets the dog have some of his beer. 'Some for you, some for me'. I don't plan on doing this, readers. Hopefully all of you were paying attention there. I have multiple reasons as to why. For one thing, beer is mostly drank by me when at the comedy club. I have drank it some away from there, but if anything it will be wine. Then there's getting yelled at by the owner, and then getting yelled at for using the term 'getting yelled at'. I've used the 'yelled at' line at the office, I am told in response to it how they- the managers- don't yell at people.
    Getting back to the dog again, I also recall the scene where he says he feeds the dog four or five times a day, when asked on the phone. He was told 'he eats once' and that is what I have been doing, per my instructions. It really hasn't been too hard for me yet, as I see it's walked regularly. Still doing some of my normal activities, as much as possible. Had to make a list to figure out what I want to get done, and then I realized that some things like Redbox movies can wait for now if need be. I said I wanted to get caught up on reading, and I have some magazines ready to read tonight. While the movie 'Uncle Buck' was successful, the lead role well-done by John Candy, I know that the TV show was not. This happens fairly often. I know Kevin Meaney had the lead on the TV show. I once had this movie on VHS tape, recorded from a movie channel, but not anymore. I have downsized in this area, since it's mostly obsolete. I recall the other movies on the tape to be 'Crocodile Dundee' and 'The Sting'.

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