Sunday, December 16, 2012

Mills Fleet Farm

   Today in the afternoon I went with my date to the Mills Fleet Farm store in Lakeville. To the best of my knowledge, it was my first-ever visit to this particular chain store. When passing by I had often noticed the silo built into the side of the store. There was a wide variety of products there, and I did buy two. I bought a baseball-themed Christmas ornament and a set of 2 Ford (blue oval) stickers. Some things I saw there brought back memories of childhood like seeing some Magic Chef microwave ovens, and then the chainsaws as my dad had some chainsaws when I was a kid. Though he had Homelite and McCulloch, neither one apparently was sold there- I just saw Poulan and Husqvarna.
   I was expecting to see 'The Simpsons' tonight but coverage of an interfaith prayer service from Connecticut, in response to the school shooting, pre-empted it. They cut away eventually, and all we saw was the closing credits of the show. After this I said I didn't want to wait for the president's speech, so I went home as I needed to get the necessary errand running done like groceries and dishes.
   After going to Mills Fleet Farm, we did have dinner at the Cracker Barrel across the highway. We looked around in the store a little before the table was available, but I bought nothing. Some of the ornaments looked nice but I told myself it was enough to have bought one earlier.
   When I arrived home I liked getting some more online surveys done. It was enough to convert survey money into 500 miles for my Delta Airlines account. Thankfully this happened just a few days after the minimum 30-day waiting period between redemptions, or 'dumping' miles. So now I have over 5,000 miles in the Delta account. It was odd what one survey happened to be, it was about car brands and asked us to compare it to types of relationships like if it's an old friend, a fling, a secret.   

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