Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Don't Smoke, Sorry

   It was an eventful day, which of course meant a visit to the comedy club. I saw a few comics I recognized onstage tonight but didn't speak to any of them. I liked how the bartender called me 'champ' so I said I was giving an extra dollar in my tip after getting my beer.
  After I left the club a younger man said his girlfriend was stranded and was asking for a dollar. She even offered to sell her cigarettes. I said 'I don't smoke, sorry' and then went on my way. As I recall she was wearing a Domino's Pizza jacket.
  This morning I was next to the girl on the bus who is seen with her mom. Hard to estimate how old the girl is, maybe ten or twelve. I usually dodn't speak to them at all. But I did notice the book she was reading, 'Cinderella'. Looks like she had just begun reading it as I saw the part about the wicked stepmother assigning her all of those chores.
   In the evening the bus did not arrive on time, and when it did I eventually gave up my seat near the front and moved to the back. I saw the need for it as somebody said their companion had fallen before getting on the bus. I noticed she seemed to be out of it and wasn't moving around much (or at all) under her own power, and fell on the bus at one point before settling in her seat.
   After getting back from the comedy club tonight, for some reason I decided to go through some of my rare coinage kept in small plastic bags. This includes the Canadian and British coins. I then told myself that I should try to find what is in a plastic piggy bank, where there would be two coins I had kept with a description as they had been taped in a photo album for a while. Here we go: first one is a German coin, a 10 Pfennig. Got it in high school, I claimed it right away after seeing it laying on the floor. Then the Canadian penny, from Charlie Brown's barber shop. As a kid it was a big deal to see foreign coins in small-town Iowa so I said I would save that one. Finally we have an American nickel, and I got it in a science class in high school. I stood up to the bum, a day to remember. I acquired it after a classmate I didn't like happened to throw it at me. He then wanted it back and I said it's mine now. I have seen this classmate some since graduating, but I don't think he was at this year's reunion.
   Another thing I did was decide to move some more souvenirs to the office. This includes a piece of the Metrodome roof, a Minnesota Fighting Saints (defunct hockey team) patch, and some stickers depicting various Twin City tourist sites. The first two I bought at the Twins Fanfest earlier this year, the third was from the state's museum, or officially the Minnesota History Center. The fourth item moved to the office will be the coinage from Iceland, as I had a layover there to and from Great Britain in June. It is a set of seven coins from 1967-1980.

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