Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Campaign Movie

After finishing the Harvey Pekar book- The Quitter- and returning it to the library I ended up at the Rainbow Foods in Maplewood, noticing there was a Redbox inside. So I decided to get the movie 'The Campaign' as it had been on my list. I took it as sometimes referring to John Edwards since it took place in North Carolina, also the way the campaign signs looked as they looked much like his. Liked seeing Dan Aykroyd and John Lithgow in it, even though they had small roles. Also liked hearing a Green Day song in the closing credits, called '99 Revolutions'. But I have long known this band for having strong political beliefs, so hearing them do a song in a political satire movie wasn't surprising at all.
   It was a farce, hard to know where to begin as there were so many jokes in it. Memorable was a scene where somebody was stopped for drunk driving and then they're shown hitting a cow with the car. Or somebody punching a baby, and then a little dog. A junk food meal, with the dogs getting a similar meal. Admitting to wearing a Lady Gaga costume for a while and liking it. This is something I chuckled about as a Lady Gaga fan. Or somebody being fired from a campaign when pointing out all of the jobs lost due to NAFTA. It might have been silly, but I liked most of the jokes in it. Some (actually quite a few) of the jokes might have been low-brow, but I like seeing a political satire as politics can be an easy target for comedy. I say it was definitely worth seeing. I saw it as I got a button and poster for it at the comedy club advertising it at theaters, saying it would be worth a try on video. I hadn't seen many movies with Will Ferrell or Zach Galifianakis, but both did well in it.
   I liked 'The Big Bang Theory' episode as usual, where Sheldon has a nightmare when Santa comes for a visit due to having Santa in a Dungeons and Dragons game. I thought about watching 'The Simpsons' rerun at 10pm but knew there would be an interview on WCCO I wanted to see, Frank Vascallero interviewing President Obama about the looming fiscal cliff.

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