Saturday, December 1, 2012

Daniel Day Lewis in 'Lincoln'

I saw the movie 'Lincoln' starring Daniel Day Lewis in the afternoon in Eagan with my date. He did real well in the role. It covers a fairly small part of Lincoln's life, which is the final months of the Civil War. Seeing Lincoln tell stories and being seen often with his son Tad, with the war as a backdrop, did remind me of the movie known as 'Abraham Lincoln' from 1930. I have it on VHS. But this older movie covers much more of his life, practically his entire life. Good cast all around, with Sally Field as his wife Mary. I also liked seeing David Strahairn and James Spader in it. Spader's role as a lobbyist reminded he of his lawyer role on 'Boston Legal', as he was smarmy in both. But I said I would want Alan Shore as my lawyer, his role on 'Legal'. Though Tommy Lee Jones seemed to steal the show as a legislator.
  It was odd how I was thinking I would be printing the gift certificate for the J.C. Penney buttons, as this is what I was told I had won. But I still needed to register to receive my prize by email. So I will be waiting to shop there until it arrives.
   This morning before I went out I did go through old tax preparation booklets and took out any personal information before sending them to the recycle bin. Some of them were from Illinois, and I haven't lived in suburban Chicago for a while. I just have to reflect a little when I see this address on any mailings now. The thing I often say is when I moved to the Twin Cities is I would have said 'Barack who?' as the president had yet to be elected a U.S. Senator when I moved in February 2004. He was elected to this office later that year, and it was on ABC's 'Nightline' news show that night. I have to reflect in terms of how much my life has changed since then, and the world as well. Facebook was just getting started that year, as social media was a fairly new thing then. Still not on Twitter, but I do use Facebook fairly often and I'm using Linkedin more often as well.
  Another thing I did was throw out stickies with outdated notations on them. Some of these things near my laptop I hadn't looked at in a while, maybe a year or more. I probably should throw out even more of them, but I still had to think of all the things I wanted to get done today so this means it has to wait.

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