Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Vietnam Discussion At Macalester

    I gave up a comedy night as I was invited to a discussion about the Vietnam War 40 years later- on the Macalester campus in St. Paul. It was at the Macalester Plymouth Church, which claimed a Presbyterian affiliation as well as United Church of Christ. It was scheduled to run two hours but wrapped up more than an hour later. I did like hearing the speakers tell their stories. Some were refugees from Vietnam, others were soldiers sent there. I was at a table with somebody who had played in a music group that opened for the likes of the Grateful Dead, Janis Joplin, The Doors, and Steppenwolf. It was called Cap'n Zigzags Blues Band. He said the band can be found online, under Curtis and the Kicks. He had a photo album there, and in one photo he was holding a patriotic guitar.
   This was a notable day on trying to do E-bay orders. I placed one for an Indian head penny, then was told it was not available. The money was refunded to my Bill Me Later account. No harm, no foul. I would still like one, and will have to re-think my strategy. I said the same about getting a Ben Franklin half-dollar. If I want a cheaper one I have to bid on it, and today's research confirmed this. The half-dollars aren't seen much in circulation, and Kennedy has been on it for 50 years, ever since the assassination. So finding a rare coin at least 50 years old won't be easy. But it will be nice to claim 'I have a Benjamin' though this usually refers to the hundred dollar bill. The other orders should be just fine. This includes a Canadian half dollar coin, and some more Canadian pennies, especially from the 1920s. So when it's all said and done I will have 27 pennies in the folder, well over half full as there are 36 slots. I reminded myself about the Lewis and Clark series nickels from 2004 and 2005. I just placed that order as well. There are four, currently I have just one- the buffalo. The other three are a handshake, a boat, and the ocean. I was smarter about the special Lincoln pennies in 2009, saving each one of the four when I got them as change.      
   At work it was a little busy since we had to re-deploy the work a little. The new guy is on bereavement leave, said there was a death in the family on Monday- a grandma. We had a meeting about the special project- pulling sold accounts- but we still need to hear what we are doing about the not founds.

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