Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Lap Dance Room

    At the comedy club tonight, the godmother made an observation onstage about the curtains being open and normally they aren't. She said it must be a 'Room for a lap dance'. During the show I went to take a look at it, pleased to find some art on the wall. Didn't want to be too big of a distraction so I told myself not to do photos at that time. I meant to do photos after the show but spoke with the big dog instead, he was show closer. I said I had seen one of The Turkeys sketches from the link on Facebook where he tagged me. It made me laugh seeing the water cooler full of Scotch, a brilliant idea. He said I was in some others, and after being given a tip I did find a later episode I am in. It was well edited, and I like how menacing I look even when not speaking. I also reviewed the photos in my main Facebook album and decided to take down four of them. I still have over two hundred in the album. Since this is a high volume I understand the importance of quality as to which ones are kept.
   At work the bus was late getting us into downtown this morning, a detour due to an event. We did Wii dancing in the afternoon. This included a Bollywood song, as well as one called a 'Jamaican dance' if I am not mistaken. We also did the one from last week that was in Spanish, it was reggae.
    The godmother also did ones about yoga at church, dead people clothes at Goodwill, buying a Jeep, expensive midlife crisis, bucket list, tennis in Edina, and JV landscaping. Perkins did one about a text from his lady. Others were about Catcher in The Rye, pictures on railroad track, quit acting like yourself, emotional terrorist, park wedding in South Dakota, and just wanted to dance. The rapper did ones about being a stay at home dad, buying a motorcycle, poetry being rap that doesn't curse, and the new Vikings stadium. Capital city did ones about winter boots not a mile, and working with a jannie. Maryland did one about orgies. Others were about a girl at the gas station, radioactive shrimp, and ordering on Amazon. The big dog did ones about a die for is lady song, by Bruno mars. Others were about dishwasher and rake leaves, voice impression of his dad, life coach is above bikini inspector, and a sex dream while around his in-laws. Perkins called me king Friday.
   Ding dong was MC, and did one about her second kid. The teen doesn't talk, a dollar from the college fund, and animated Japanese porn were others. A comic I hadn't seen in a while did one about looking like a young Rosie O'Donnell. Others were about women doing the towel turban, and his sister using frying pans.  Resistable did one about not knowing cats ate that much. Others were about hair too red for Target, and dating a dentist. Morton Salt did ones about learning Minnesota nice from road rage, and a child soldier in Sudan. Pottery barn did one about nursing a beer, and I got a shout-out. He is engaged, that's how people work, paranoid delusion, liking superheroes, a dominatrix reference, and seeing a private eye were the others.                

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