Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Pastries And Flu Shots

    This morning there was pastries at my workplace near the guard station helping remind people about flu shots being available in our main conference room. I did have two and was already signed up for an appointment in the afternoon. I liked how no cotton ball and tape was needed after the shot this time. We also had a 'Convention' about a special project which allows us to work overtime on Saturdays. I have a ticket for the Iowa/Minnesota football game this weekend so this limits how much I can do. But I still want to contribute in some form, it may mean showing up before the game.
   At the comedy club tonight, long straw was MC. He did ones about avoiding a woman at a grocery store, and a Cubs urn. International Falls did one about sexy cats for Halloween. Others were about birth control pills in her car, being street harassed, and meeting a wino. Maryland did one about O'Doul's. He does have a dad, and did one about patio drinking and his dog. Another was about a family reunion, is his college education first of third degree? An ex-Navy man did one about Tinder.
Others were about 'don't hurt my friend', and it got weird, after a shout-out. And he doesn't like hypothetical questions, and I don't like them either. The sub teacher did ones about atheist shoes, and Air Darwins. Another was about Labor Day in China, followed by hearing every/ovary at his job. I got shout-outs from the MC and ex-Navy as well, rare to get this many in one night. The Wisconsin guy did one about Obama-care. Others were about the Target walk-in clinic, guns in the eco-bag, and a massage Groupon. An older man with two first names did one about the meaning of life in Nepal. The godmother did one about a bucket list. Others were about dead people clothes at Goodwill, buying a Jeep, the speed limit in Nebraska, doctors without egos, birthday cake at a dog park, and JV landscaping. Magic Man did one about being paid not to work in St. Cloud. Another was about where is my stick, is it vaudeville? The ex-cop did one about a fad diet, he got divorced. The radio personality did ones about houseguests, the apple orchard, and her sister shooting squirrels. Laundry did ones about potlucks, and a roundabout. I have seen the show closer before, he and his brother both do stand-up comedy.

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