Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Pitbull And Captain Kangaroo

     When I arrived at the comedy club tonight, I spoke of concerts I had bought tickets for. One of them is Lucinda Williams, at First Avenue later this month. The other is Pitbull, and Mason City said Pitbull reminds him of Captain Kangaroo, I guess because of the outfit. I had to ask after the show as I was unable to write it down right away. I guessed a Muppet and then said I must have been thinking of it as both are children's entertainers. It went well with me performing tonight. I did the one about my dad and dog catchers, in reference to the recent election. Another was inspired by somebody telling me they don't vote. A third was about what I heard at the haunted house. And since I was wearing the patriotic shirt I did a joke about it as well. I was wearing it on purpose as it is Veterans Day. Then there was seeing somebody on the bus who reminded me of Chewbacca from 'Star Wars', because of their coat.
   A comic, whose brother also does comedy, did ones about selling plasma, Facebook weather complaints, a rescue dog, and who shot JR in Denison, IA. A high-energy comic did ones about being an office temp, a memo on the fax, and a coat rack.  Software developer did one about his daughter's flu shot. A young comic did one about cries to Aladdin, and nobody donates a can opener. I liked hearing two songs tonight: 'Umbrella' by Rihanna, and 'Team' by Lorde. International Falls did one about sexy cat costumes. Others were about giving up casual sex, and caressed hair in a porta pottie. This was followed by street harassed, a police dog poem, and selling an ex's art. A comic I haven't seen in a while did one about having an ex in the Marines, and a fake journalist. He was one of my Facebook photos from the comedy marathon in April. The crow did one about jacket buttons and weed. Others were about movie quotes, a samurai sword, saying 'do it' with a gun, and teen songs.

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