Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Our Family Brand Pudding

     I knew an expiration date was coming soon on one of my food items, so I finally prepared it. This was Our Family brand vanilla pudding and pie filling. It is distributed by Nash Finch company, out of Minneapolis. I got it from the discount table for 49 cents. I poured some milk into a pan on the stove and then mixed the contents of the pack into it. I had to take the pan off the burner momentarily as it had boiled over. But it tasted good. The box says it is enough for 4 servings, so I will have to spread it out over a few days of course.
   I made the pudding after I got back from the comedy club. Self checkout was the MC. The big dog was a surprise but welcome guest near the end. I really liked hearing the 'Take it for granted' joke. Others were lost dog, Christian Mingle, drink coffee silently, seeing a dead body, and smelling his dad's sport jackets. A comic I haven't seen in a while was there. He did one about running out of toilet paper. Others were about being a hobo hipster, being in his 30's but not down by the river. He likes 8-month relationships, did one about life partner beaters, and a hot Shaun White. A newer comic did one about bringing girls, and it was a sausage fest. And how it 'just felt right'. Long straw did one about avoiding a woman in a grocery store. Others were about a room he forgot to decorate, and a Cubs urn. The show closer was Bus Fare, and I liked hearing the 'High at the movie theater' joke again. Others were about small talk, put a sandwich back together, don't poop in this bar, and a birthday clown. Then there were ones about being uncomfortable with his own hands, and a state fair horse show.
   I went to vote in the evening after work, also after eating a little at home. I like how it is a fairly painless process, taking under 30 minutes to walk there, complete and submit the ballot, and walk home. I did get one photo inside the precinct, it was of the sign next to the machine where completed ballots are fed in. I was told it was fine to get a picture of the wall, but not of the people.
   At work the political science guy was frustrated about a letter-folding machine not working properly, some of the letters jammed in it. He asked if it was a good idea for me to use the pencil sharpener right then, which was next to it. I saw nothing wrong with doing this as it didn't take long. A colleague in another department, who had inquired about a tour of my department, did ask about Election Day subjects as he said he is not a citizen yet so of course he can't vote here. He spoke of the leaders in his native Philippines being from dynasties. I was familiar with the hotly contested race in 1986 between Marcos and Aquino, which led to jokes about all of the shoes Imelda Marcos had.

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