Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Better Angels Movie

     I saw the movie 'Better Angels' at the Lagoon in Minneapolis in the afternoon. I had hoped to have lunch at an Applebee's but knew I didn't make it there in time to wait for food to be ordered and prepared. So I just continued on to a Popeye's chicken near the movie theater. This movie was about Abraham Lincoln as a youngster in Indiana. Not much is written about his time there, more is written about his life later on in Illinois. I was familiar with many of the themes in it, like during this time his mom died and his dad remarried. I liked how it was filmed in black and white. It was tough to see his character being whipped with a stick from a tree, even if it was mostly just hearing it. But I know this was common as discipline for a while. The scenery was good, like showing the cornfields when they were working in them, as well as the school he attended. It started out with an image from the Lincoln memorial in Washington, DC, and some of the story was told by a narrator, Lincoln's cousin.
   Before leaving for the movie I watched one at home, 'Rachel Papers'. James Spader is in it. I recalled ads for this one on Cinemax, so I had wanted to see it for years. And I watched my copy of  the Charlie Brown special about Halloween, 'Great Pumpkin'. And of course in the evening I went to the comedy club.
    At the comedy club tonight, D.C. did ones about being 9 months sober, AA meetings, it's not just on me, a drug test cup, and rating nausea. Mason City did ones about taekwondo, a cookie jar,  Chihuahua life skills, sea shells in Jamaica, James Brown music, and a dirty text message. Perkins did ones about a zombie apocalypse, Steve Buscemi, a woman wearing the same sweater, a Dallas Buyer's Club body, and meeting her cat. Ex-TSA did ones about Buffalo, NY, Fat Albert, what TSA means, and Big Mac. The nurses aide did ones about dating advice, doing laundry, and riding the bus. Morton Salt did one about teaching Korean. A comic with family from Greece did ones about a conman pun, and an expensive tow.  The MC was somebody I had seen perform when I visited St. Louis before. The big dog did ones about Christian Mingle, car salesmen, seeing a dead body, and taking things for granted. The Breck graduate did one about Las Vegas. Netflix did ones about being a circus lawyer, Beyoncé not available, dried up eggs, could be welding, ice cream for breakfast, girl's girl, Jane Goodall, Sesame Street, and awkward at potluck.  

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