Saturday, October 17, 2015

Howitzer In Arden Hills

   I performed comedy tonight at a place in Arden Hills, first time there. Saw a howitzer outside the bar. It is dedicated to those who served in the military. I had seen one of these on display before, this was in Nashua, Iowa. It was next to a tank in a veterans park. I met the headliner after the show and he gave me some helpful pointers about stage presence. We likely will become Facebook friends soon. It was the second show I attended, also went to one in Minneapolis as part of 10k laughs, there was pancakes and mimosas. Balloons were popped, paper airplanes were made, people were wrapped in aluminum foil. a fun show to witness.
    At the lid-lifter, International Falls was assigned a topic and was asked to tell jokes about it later in the show. Hard to read my notes, but it looks like hall pass spoke of winning a breakup. There was a request for making paper airplanes and throwing them onstage. I got good at it fairly quickly, on figuring out how to make them fly farther. Long straw and Tetris were next, like a Jerry Springer argument. The button did ones about cosmic bowling, dental appointment, Tupperware, afraid of bees, then there was the 2 comics wrapped in tinfoil. Soap opera did ones about Mitt Romney, earthworms, Ron Paul, amazing grace, 9/11 coin, Tina Fey, and Ray Charles. Ragu did ones about people you may know, Garrison Keillor, Fran Drescher, Bob Dylan, Ozzy Osbourne, Bobcat Goldthwait, Shrek, and street drugs. Conga line did ones about up a down escalator, Kenny G workout, and New Orleans donuts. Long Straw did ones about  road closed sign, blockbuster video, Bernie Sanders, Ron Paul, Jack Daniels, and Rick Flair. Tetris did ones about lip sync, jock jams, tootsie rolls, 1994, cashier wishing, and Subway sandwiches. Cee-note did ones about a New York minutes, ambulance, pickpocket, and Dad's used socks. International Falls did ones about the Twins movie, merging, marriage, emergency, zipper merge, remember to call back, and CEOs.
   In Arden Hills, a comic I hadn't seen in a while, for now called Kansas City, said I laughed like I was a stoner. A tall comic who helped with the microphone problems, a reminder of my earliest days in doing stand-up, did one about his son's rap song on the answering machine, and a haiku for his wife. Chalm Skinn did ones about went to Christian college, grew up in Ramsey, adult book store, stabbing at bowling alley, trailer park, played in dart league, an acronym, tap on shoulder, praying mantis, revenge porn, Applebee's urinal, discovered by a cover band, I-tunes play list, George Carlin, Richard Pryor, serious karaoke, Beastie Boys, Sean Connery, coffee van, and Elk River pizza manager. Ric-mac did one about a self-help book.    

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