Friday, October 30, 2015

Scarves And NASCAR Shirts

    At the silent auction this week, a part of the United Way campaign, two items weren't bid on for a while. This was the scarves and NASCAR shirts. But eventually it looks like they were bid on. I decided to bid late on the round of golf at a 9-hole course, looks like I may have gotten it for less than last year.
   I went to the comedy club tonight, wanted to see bathtub as MC. I arrived just as he was getting started. I had meant to arrive much earlier but I was watching the World Series and fell asleep in my easy chair. The Mets won tonight according to what I found online but the Royals still lead the series 2-1. I knew the Mets were ahead when I left for the club. I went to get a sandwich at Subway and brought it home so I could watch more of the series, as well as listen to another comedy CD. This was the one by Conga Line.
    Also at the comedy club, Bathtub did ones about last comic standing, Minnesota sports, 2 year anniversary, met at Barnes and Noble, we both made mistakes, threw the book at her, should I restart, ladies night out, like Uncle Sam, why buy the cow, ask permission, call dibs, hang man, and no spell check at the beach. The comic that gave me an intro to the fancy comic was doing a guest set. He did ones about Coon Rapids, what TSA means, NBA contract EBT card, Kevin Garnett, 3 men in a tub, Winnie the Pooh, and gold digger. Others were about ex-teacher and his son's answering machine. A newer comic, at least to me anyway, was feature act. His name sounded like Maryland's. First gig out of college, call center. Own a laptop? Others were about a master's from Duke, three of four of parents marriages, Dad clubbing, Ice-T, grandkids?, Velcro wallet, great uncle in nursing home, Springsteen, going to bully funeral, and it's OK you can tell me. Bathtub went on again, and did ones about a one year old birthday party, birthday on St. Patrick's Day, kicked out of Ireland, horseback riding, his name is potato, drive around Lake Superior, already pulled over, like self checkout, lava lamp erupted, hamsters, Pompeii, and cell phone ring tone.
   Headliner did ones about famous in England, America yeah!, lesbian lumberjack, dentist killed lion, drunk before hunting, we are everywhere, Somali cab drivers, living on Brooklyn, illegal night club, Halle Berry, Precious, Beyoncé, limo cheaper, British Airways, their own language, Angelina Jolie, pavement, sidewalk, aluminum, autumn, you get really fat, food commercials, Subway not healthy, spaghetti, pharma commercials, ADHD, Ritalin, restless leg syndrome, sleep apnea, cheesecake for breakfast, we're dudes, filmed while asleep, Cleveland kidnapper, her friend has 3 cats, shows in Australia, OCD, Singapore, 4 floors of whores, robbed in Malaysia, and hole in floor toilet.   

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