Sunday, October 4, 2015

Start Or Finish It

    I went to the comedy club in the evening as I knew school bouncer was performing. So was Perkins, and a new comic I will call werewolf after her best joke. The headliner called himself a dwarf, and had a good joke about start or finish it. He is good at social commentary.
    It was nice not having to do much today, after getting back from New Ulm. I was up early to get the rental car returned, then did the dishes and got groceries. At midday I went to a booya soup serving in St. Paul. The police band was playing there. I had been to this one in a previous year. After this it was on to Cheapo to get some CDs. I got three: Control by Janet Jackson, 21st century breakdown by Green Day, and Love Songs Part 2 by Everclear. I already had Part 1. It seemed like a good idea to get a Janet Jackson CD as I have a ticket for her concert in early November. Then I went to print things at the library and I slept when I got home. I had dinner before leaving for the show.
    Also at the comedy club, I heard 'Fancy' by Iggy Azalea before the show. School Bouncer did ones about Bill Cosby, bathrooms, water bottle, walk in and out of work, no one wants to be, 16 and pregnant, car insurance, pick me up from places, and extended warranty, where I got a shout-out. Others were about a god-kid, self-assemble bike, what do you want, I don't need you, princess to me, steel toed boots, I don't like paperwork, and burning bridges. Werewolf did this joke, about dealing with kids at a store. Others were about a Twins player, child labor, motel 6, clown costume, and I am the consequence.
   Perkins did ones about an acid trip, Orville Redenbacher, adult braces, salt water aquarium, Tinder, cost of Netflix, Breaking Bad, Hulu, moved away from Mom, Tim Burton, asthma, HCMC, Facebook adds, dislike button, barnacles, pug sitting, mustard sandwiches, Reagan, wolves and piglets, ran out of town, inciting a riot, ballpark frank, Oregon Motel 6, Mom's road rage, and road side urine test. School bouncer did ones about what is life without challenge, Redbox, ATM, ice cream, and walking home at night.
    The headliner did ones about a trip club, drunk from football games, gold coins, hot girl, forget I am a dwarf, chest bump, it is what happens here, airport urinals, sports guy on radio, Giants jersey, soccer flags, can't say that, burn calories when laughing, why do you care?, Katy Perry, NAACP, Stevie Wonder, Bruce Jenner, and Channing Tatum. Others were about Nicki Minaj, about last night podcast, car wreck, 3 wishes, worth it, Lucky Charms, make porn better, is that it, taking off a bra, glazed donuts, where's your sister, Jenga, Narnia, Yoda and Luke, and put on counter. 

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