Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Peanuts Movie Fall Festival

   After work tonight I was about to wait at the bus stop and noticed an event nearby. Found out it was related to the upcoming Peanuts movie. So I stayed downtown for an hour. It was nice to get a poster and a photo. I put on a World War One flying ace hat for the photo, and I also saw that my Snoopy backpack was in view. There was a fall festival card to get 3 passport stamps or stickers. Some got trucker hats, or shirts thrown into the crowd. I got autographs on the festival card from Craig Schulz, and from Steve Martino, the film's director. I still had plenty of time to get to the comedy club and perform.
   At the comedy club tonight, International Falls did ones about everything is great, taking a bath, revenge fantasy, planned parenthood, using sadness, older abortions, tats, and dark way to start show. Werewolf did ones about holding dog treats, Grandma's time, and talent and interview. The crow did ones about her stupid face, wood chipper switch, wait tables in Hopkins, essence of universe, bereavement discount, and crows getting laid. Blake did ones about laundry isn't hard, parks and rec, snooze button, pray and drive, Taco Bell, and grand theft auto. Fish noodle did ones about weird can openers, bad day at work, samurai movies, it's over, good mood, high school prom lock-in, and favorite swear word. I got a shout out from the show runner, hard to read notes but likely due to my story about the Charlie Brown event.   

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