Saturday, July 23, 2016

national parks adventure movie

I went to the science museum in st. paul this afternoon to see the omni-theater film, 'national parks adventure'. they mentioned Theodore Roosevelt in it often, though a different president- Woodrow Wilson- signed it into law in 1916. but teddy was well known as an outdoorsman. I did get two souvenirs after it, a magnet that says 'national park service centennial' and 'quotable notables' from teddy. I liked recognizing one statue in the film, as it looked like the one from Roosevelt island in the Potomac, saw it in my 2009 visit to D.C. it covered some parks that I hadn't been to yet like Yellowstone. it also mentioned places I had been to like the statue of liberty, and the national mall in D.C. I heard more than one version of leonard Cohen's 'hallelujah' in it, one was just piano and the other, according to the closing credits, was the jeff buckley cover.
   it was a fairly full day. I went to the post office, and the 'up in the air' movie program from japan had arrived. then it was on to target to get two poster frames, as I just got another  comedy poster last night. I also got two Charlie brown and snoopy items, both on clearance. one was 'bath squirters' and the other was a small version of snoopy's doghouse and had figurines included. I went to a postcard show in Eagan and liked getting not just some more from the 1933 Chicago world's fair but also the fieldhouse at the u. of iowa, and the post office/customs house in st. paul. I ate at Kentucky fried chicken after the postcard show, then after a short time at home it was off to the science museum.
    after the science museum I went to the st. paul saints baseball game, saints lost to Laredo 9-3. I arrived early to get the giveaway item, a beach towel sponsored by treasure island resort and casino. there were three colors available, I chose green. the other two were pink, and orange. I liked hearing 'get this party started' by pink at the stadium. but I know it fits the theme, as it said 'Saturday night'. saints went ahead early 2-0, a home run with one on. but they fell behind by as much as 9-2, then scored another one in the 9th. a man was near me wearing a dallas cowboys shirt and was heckled by a man who said he was a Vikings fan. I spoke with the cowboy fan for a little while, and with his companion as well, saying sports rivalries can get really stupid. his lady kept saying she didn't want to pay scalpers for tickets, I said go to the team's ticket office. to me a scalper sells them on the street, but her definition or usage of the word was broader. Gert the flirt, an usher-tainer, was in my section. I got a lipstick kiss from her, and it reminded me of a math teacher in junior high who gave out lipstick kisses to students late with an assignment. I shared it on facebook and two of my classmates said they recalled her. some teachers are more memorable than others.


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