Thursday, July 28, 2016

news to know

at my employer the newsletter is called 'news to know'. it is emailed to us once a week, usually on Friday. there was an advisory board meeting this afternoon that spoke of possible changes to it. I am very much interested in helping with writing it, although it might mean longer meetings as this one was just over 30 minutes. I like writing, and want to make a contribution any way I can. I did say that my 'cohort' and I enjoy seeing it when it arrives, as not much else gets us excited on a Friday. after the meeting I decided I had the time to call back the dental office, they had left a voicemail. first of course I had to look up my password since I don't get many calls on it. looks like the billing problem dating back to march may be finally getting cleared up. there will be a balance after the insurance payments post, but it is less than $15. I am thankful that somebody finally took ownership of it, but it still feels like it is too little, too late when I am already offended at how they fumbled around with it for this long. I haven't seen anything yet on if my vacation day requests are approved, but I put them in this week. one was a half day so I can make it to one of the fringe shows I am in, the other is for new York city. when the latter happens, I think I will want to contact my new Yorker friend about it.
   there was a rehearsal for the fringe show tonight, same venue in northeast Minneapolis as before. I liked making it back to this place, as I liked the artwork at the nearby intersection and got plenty of pictures of it. some photos were of the railroad yard as one is directly above it when at this intersection, since it does function as a bridge. after I was done I went to bobby and steves and had a milkshake, then drove home. I was listening to the Hillary Clinton speech, from the democratic convention in Philadelphia, on my car radio, as I had it tuned to public radio.

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