Sunday, July 24, 2016

US Bank Stadium Open House

I went to the US Bank Stadium open house this afternoon. It was a photographer's dream, as I took over a hundred pictures while there. I enjoyed it once I got in, as I was getting cranky. I guess crowds have a way of doing that to me. first, finding a parking spot, then waiting in line to go through security. I liked seeing some artwork there of famous Minnesota sports figures like herb brooks. I said my dad in Iowa would be pleased as the Hy-Vee grocery store is a sponsor, and was giving away cookies as we were leaving. some of the food stands were open, but I had already eaten so I felt no need to get anything. much like many other new facilities, not everything is ready yet. I saw a few signs that said 'still under construction'.
   I did get to the performance venue near it after the tour was done, but as expected the show was canceled, the crowd at the bar was too big. I probably stayed too long as I ended up arguing with somebody I know about famous people with legal problems. my attitude has always been that I could care less about what happens to famous people that I have never met, as I know what happens in my own life is way more important. guess it proves that my Achilles heel is still there- trying to reason with people that I just can't reason with.
   after I left I went on a search at more Super-America locations to see if any of them had the visa card I was looking for as a reward from the loyalty program. on my fourth try today (a total of nine tries over two days) I finally found it and couldn't hide how excited I was about it. it shouldn't be that hard to find, especially when I went to a holiday station this morning and they had it, the 'purple box' visa card. I still plan on putting it towards my weekly grocery store order, but it will have to wait as I had already been to the grocery store in the morning. I needed milk and orange juice for breakfast, as I didn't make it the night before due to searching for the card after the saints game.
    I liked getting caught up on a few things, like writing down my gift card code for amazon from enterprise rent-a-car, where I answer surveys. I had four card codes waiting, a total of forty dollars. I used them all for a six-item order, it covered most of the total, leaving less than ten dollars for me to pay. one of them was a don rickles DVD that bob Newhart is on. I also got two more Charlie brown encyclopedias to complete my 15-book collection of the 1980 edition, and two more Maytag home laundry encyclopedias. I understand there are five in the series, I already had three of them. It is a paperback hand-size book, so it doesn't look like the 'typical' encyclopedia to me, which is much bigger and had a hard cover. one of those other three was bought at an antique mall in my hometown as I recall. I recall the Wisconsin man telling me about the don rickles DVD, and I printed the page to remind me to order it someday. the online article said it was printed over two years ago! sometimes it takes a while before things top my priority list, but I know full well that I was more interested in getting comedy CDs done by friends. hard to say when I will get the next one, I already have nearly 40. the last one I got in person, I try to order online only when it is too hard to find in person.

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