Saturday, July 30, 2016

tears of silence

I went to a swap meet in the parking lot of a grocery store and picked up three books. one of them was called 'tears of silence', by jean vanier. it is copyrighted 1970, and it says the author was educated in England and Canada, but makes his home in paris, france. it appears to be a poetry book, but there are photos in it as well, likely appropriate to each writing. the title of course was compelling. last line in the first poem was 'who can liberate me from myself?' the other two were about the national museum of American history, and one about the decade of the 1950s.
   this was in between the two events of the day. in the morning I went to Canadian days in little Canada. it was for the pancake breakfast and the bagpipe band. then after it I got plenty of pictures at the car show. one of them was a dodge demon. I had heard of this car before, but hadn't seen one. I liked seeing a v-8 ford from the 1930s as well, reminding me of how bank robbers like Dillinger liked them. a man there was telling me how Dillinger even wrote a letter to ford stating this, a story my dad had told me as well. but around 11am, I knew I needed to move on and do other things like print things at the library. I finally got some lunch, egg rolls, after 2pm at a holiday gas station. I went to a costume shop and got a prop for a show I am doing soon. then after this, I was on the road again, this time to hastings. I wanted to see the little log house pioneer village event. it was probably my first visit there in 4 years, back when I was in a relationship. the flyer advertising it had mention of not only porky's restaurant but also the drive-in movie theater from nearby cottage grove. I got a bacon burger at a tent next to porky's, but I waited on some of my tour as it rained. I waited it out inside a place that appeared to be where wedding receptions were held. I got two free railroad photos there. I listened to two soul asylum CDs driving to and from there, getting ready for their concert at the saints stadium soon. one of them had just been acquired from a family dollar earlier today, 'let your dim light shine'. the other I've had for a while,'grave dancers union'.
  it was evening by the time I got back from hastings, and I didn't go to another event after that. I fell asleep in my easy chair, and then I got up and went to the grocery store. I also went through some recent souvenirs, mostly printed pages, and got them into binders. I decided to switch out one binder for a larger one. I don't do this all that often, as it can be hard to find the time for it.

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