Tuesday, October 18, 2016

artwork sent home

I brought my car to work instead of taking the bus today as I wanted a better way of getting the artwork home. it worked fine on stashing both of them in the vault for the night. so it meant I paid nearly as much to ship it home, or 'protect the investment', compared to what I paid to acquire them. it was easier getting them moved once I realized that holding them together worked better than separately, as it was hurting my hands and I had to take more breaks. somebody even opened the door for me at pone point, after I went to the ATM to have enough for the parking fee, and I forgot to say 'thank you'. but I do like having them, even if they are bigger than most of my framed art. I likely did myself a favor a by parking a little closer in the ramp, I think I usually park higher up than level 4 but there was a compact car stall available.
   it went well at the performance venue tonight, saw the fancy comic again and it was nice to see happy meal, and big dog, as well. the middle of these three bought me a drink and said it was due to the gift of the Vikings ID badge holder, I saw to it that he was thanked. he did ask in advance what I was drinking, wasn't sure what that was about but I understand now. big dog closed the show, and I don't see him that often since he became a dad and it was nice to chat it up a little. I did some jokes about the new names of the conference rooms, the blog entry about therapists, the art, internet dating, and a reminder of a story about a stool from school. there was an issue with a stool on the stage at this show, not sure what, as I had stepped outside for a few minutes.
   I liked getting a few things crossed off my list the office, like getting a word find submitted for the united way campaign drawing. and I did my self-evaluation as well, likely the first time I spoke of 'performance art' in this forum. that is what I called it, specifically. my boss said it was fine to mention it, I wanted to know in advance if it was relevant enough.

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