Thursday, October 20, 2016

build your own burger

we had a build your own burger event at the office for lunch. I arrived after perfecting titles. I had one burger, though our AA said she was going to get me to eat two. well the remaining food was placed in the main breakroom, and as expected it didn't last long. I had fries, as well as sweet potato tater tots. I had some extra slices of cheese, no surprise there as I do this when I see relish trays at events I attend.
   it was a busier morning than expected. we had a department meeting, which is rare. no big deal, it was short. but then another one was scheduled on short notice. it was for an advisory board that I just agreed to be on for the holidays. I said I wanted to finish my normal duties first, the payoff report. and it meant I arrived with about 15 minutes left in the hour-long meeting. the afternoon was much easier for me. one of the things I got around to was placing a gift card order since I was sent 50 points this week, for participating in the advisory board related to communications like our weekly 'news to know'. I needed some time to figure out what I wanted, as I found out it wasn't a simple ordering of 2 gift cards as the clothing stores had $10 but not $25. so I chose macy's and kohl's, $20 each, and the remaining $10 became an amazon code. I wrote down boom! after making this decision, as I was pleased with myself.
    I did a walk around the neighborhood this evening. as usual I picked up some trash, and some coins. my first stop was the family dollar for some peanut butter crackers. I didn't have an actual evening meal, I've told myself before that it is fine to eat when hungry even if it means skipping a meal. I also picked up some coins, 22 cents in all. it was a dime, nickel, and 7 pennies. much of it was found at the car wash. on the way home I did stop at a place as I was in dire need of a bathroom, and I liked being able to get in and out without saying a word. I tried to watch a 'big bang theory' rerun but fell asleep. I think it was the one where Sheldon meets james earl jones, as he does speak of going to find him after checking his twitter activity. when I woke up I noticed 'x-files' was on. I do recall how I started watching 'big bang' when I saw it as I woke up.
   I did see the attorney when I was riding the bus home this evening. all I spoke of was taking my car on Tuesday as I wanted a better way to get the artwork home. I did get some ice cream from the treat cart, as part of the united way campaign. found out the Filipino man is absent as he just became a dad for the second time.

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