Sunday, November 27, 2016

napoleon dynamite movie

I saw the movie 'napoleon dynamite' this morning, it was on loan from the library. some might wonder 'what took me so long?' but it has been a while since I was a teenager. I did make it a facebook posting and there was 15 likes to it. I am thankful I finally saw it, even though it isn't my favorite teen movie. the scene where the main character is dancing while wearing the 'vote for pedro' shirt makes more sense to me now. I think this was the only scene that I was aware of previously. I thought the 'slap fight' was funny. I got annoyed when there were depictions of nerds getting beat up by bullies. this was where I said that this movie reminded me of many things that I do NOT miss about high school. I had a hard time liking the uncle, who lived in the past. I have met a few people like him already in my life, sadly. it is weird, it is quirky, but enough of it works. when I was thinking of comparisons to other teen movies I had seen, I was often going back to 'she's all that'. I think because both had an election in it.
   I liked getting some other things done today. this included placing another order with amazon. it was three items this time, a Michael moore book and 2 movies on DVD. I had to check and it was one of his books that I didn't have yet, and I already have three. the 2 movies would be replacing VHS copies. and no, I am still trying to figure out what to do with 'hype!' I ordered 'she's all that' and 'romy and michele'. as usual, I liked using a gift card code which meant the final total was around three dollars. another one where I could replace the VHS copy would be 'breakfast club'.
    I did make it to the performance venue in the afternoon. I did ones about egg nog, burlesque, bowling and zoo walking, the aforementioned 'napoleon dynamite', my hat, and finally responding to a facebook message. in the evening before watching 'the simpsons' I got a hot dog and chips at a super-America. the clerk had braces, and since I had them I usually will ask about them. she said she got them a month ago and would have them for 18 months, and eventually they would break her jaw. this doesn't sound good at all to me, they didn't have to do that to me. 'the simpsons' was a rerun, where marge went to jail and wanted to stay in longer. after it I still went on a walk, but not the typical route as it was raining. I probably stayed out there longer than I should have, but I liked staying active and I found ten carts to return to the grocery store. I also finally checked my mailbox, from the previous day. nothing special in it, non-profits that wanted my money. and a catalog from Gettysburg. I am saving one page from it as it was funny to see shirts for sale with Lincoln wearing sunglasses saying 'that's so 4-score and 7 years ago'. in reference to his speech there.

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