Friday, December 9, 2016

orphan train play

tonight I went to the history theater in downtown st. paul and saw the play 'orphan train'. I tend to get to this venue annually. I am not sure if I learned anything from the play, but I was interested in the concept of sending orphans to the Midwest. I know I didn't like one of the characters at all, it was Aloysius, but as I would expect my dad to say, you're not supposed to like him. the display in the lobby said the story took place in 1889. it looks like, based on another display, that it had been done by this theater before, in 1997. a fog machine was used in both acts, I had a hard time seeing some of the stage at first since I was close to the stage, at the edge of it. I wasted no time leaving my seat during the intermission as I needed to get to the bathroom. I was pleased to find two quarters left behind in the change chute in the vending machines.
   this was a day off for me, using up days before year-end. I spent much of the morning wanting to continue with the purge I was doing of pages I like on my facebook profile. I got it down to under 300 pages, after starting the week at a thousand. I wanted to stress quality, and it meant paring the list of Huguenot pages I liked from 14 down to 4. I guess I under-estimated how much things could pile up over more than 7 years of social media activity. I had already done this with my friends list this year, cutting more than 100 people there.
     eventually I knew I needed to get going, and it meant going to the post office to see what was waiting there. but the line was long so I went back after my appointment with a physician. it was my first in more than 2 years, and with a different one this time. wasn't thrilled about having to put on a gown of course, or doing two blood draws, one in each arm. I went back to the post office after the appointment. one the first visit there was two items in my box, a postcard for me and a letter not for me. I wrote 'return to sender' on the letter. surprised a little how I am still getting letters not addressed to me when I have had the box for 2 years now. much like he others, I took a picture of it before putting it back in the mail. it was something about a limousine company. there was one book that I picked up, it was an amazon order. I was surprised that it was only one was I expected two, and when I checked amazon it said both were delivered. so I have a reason to go back the next day and ask about the other one.
  and there was another problem with logging on to my laptop. so I called geek squad again and they helped, but said it was a problem for most anyone. and if it happens again I would need to call my internet provider for help since it is a provider problem.

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