Monday, December 12, 2016

trailer park christmas musical

I performed tonight, and I saw at the venue some postcards advertising a show there. it is called 'the great American trailer park Christmas musical'. also found a program there. it is called a sequel to 'the great American trailer park musical, and says the gang is back from armadillo acres. there is a disclaimer saying it is intended for mature audiences only. on one side of the card it looks like a parody of the Charlie brown tree. one character is named 'linoleum'.
   it went fine performing, I did better when doing my latest taco bell joke. I had multiple stories about the snow and winter weather. some were from a while back, like in college, or about mowing down a stop sign many years ago. there was one about my appointment last week, and a big purge of facebook pages I like.
   I was just in time to catch the morning bus after moving my car for the snow ordinance. and in the evening I rode with the attorney. she said many of her sick days are used when her kids are sick. and she spoke of how the kids were left with the grandparents a little longer due to the snowstorm, though it meant being late for their Christmas pageant. I saw the Filipino man when I was on my way to get the bus and asked 'what are you doing here?' I was surprised to find out he was back in the office, I figured he wasn't due back just yet. I said I was aware how he started  a new role next week.
    also at the office, it was the first day back after having Friday off. and I found some reasons to go in on Tuesday though I have that day off as well. there are 5-minute chair massages, and an advisory board I am on is having a pizza party. so I was careful about how I scheduled one of those, so they would be around the same time, didn't want to wait too long between the two. naturally the pizza has a long enough allotment, an hour. it was a typical Monday, busy with the payoff report. I showed my cohort the postcards I bought from a convenience store in the skyway. there were seven. two were about elvis Presley, one of those was a parody of the painting 'American gothic'. then there's 'custer's first stand', 'barky bark' ( a parody of the musician, marky mark), a recyclable condom, 'get over it', and 'they drive different here'. it depicts bumper cars. I like the art on postcards, and I like how they are cheap as well, three for a dollar. I had bought some from there before.

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