Sunday, December 25, 2016

the way we were movie

I watched the other DVD on loan from the library this evening, 'the way we were'. I think I was first familiar with it when tom hanks was asked to sing the song of the same name in the movie 'big'. after that sometimes I had heard about the movie, like being shown on TV (maybe WGN) but just didn'r see it for whatever reason. but when I have been interested in the McCarthy witch-hunt era, I said I needed to see it eventually. it is still hard for me to understand why those witch-hunts were allowed to happen. but of course this was just the backdrop for the story. it was a love story between opposites, played by Robert redford and Barbra Streisand. redford played the athlete, she was the political activist, when they went to the same college, in the 1930s. the movie was all right, but I am not a big fan of romantic movies. I did watch the bonus features, which told the story of the making of the movie. this included two scenes that were deleted. I liked seeing the closing credits, it did confirm one thing. I was thinking that james woods had a bit part in it, and he did! he was dancing with Barbra and then redford cut in.
    it wasn't the only video I saw today. it started off with watching a DVD I own, 'Charlie brown christmas'. since the previous night the organist played 'hark the herald angels sing' but the choir didn't sing it and I wanted to hear it sung. I still like watching it. there was another TV special included, 'it's Christmastime again'. after that I did take a long walk around the neighborhood. I ended up with over a dollar in change, just by checking the drive-through windows at four food outlets. I figured I would have less competition, since they would be closed for the holiday, and I was right. I did see a car at one point at one of them, but that was all. I yielded, then resumed by search. one coin was a Canadian penny, a year I already had, so I am not keeping it. plans are to send it to a wishing well soon. two others, also pennies, appeared to me too mutilated so they were placed in the trash after getting it all home to inspect.
   then I did another walk, after coming home for lunch. I had a bowl of spaghetti-o's, heated up in the microwave oven. I went to a walk at the como zoo in st. paul. at first I didn't know what to do about not seeing anyone from meetup, so I just started looking around at the indoor exhibits near the front door. it was after I got home that I found out it was officially canceled. I did take my rain jacket with me to put on over my winter coat, as it was raining hard as I was about to leave. I met a man while there, in the giraffe building, who said he was there for the meetup walk as well. after I spoke of being a performer, he did say he had seen some local comics. this man also spoke of how relationships can be hard, and he would like to meet Filipinas. he was not as well-dressed for the weather as I was. it also reminded me of how there are 'molded souvenirs' available there. I saw them during the thanksgiving walk, but still don't have one from there. I have at least two from other places. one is from the museum of science and industry in Chicago, the other is from the Ford plant in suburban Detroit. it is just two dollars, and I saw at least four animals to choose from. I saw a seal, polar bear, lion, and gorilla. at some point it means putting it on my list to go over there and get one, but that means writing it down to remember it of course.
   in the evening I did watch 'the simpsons'. it was about krusty the clown converting to the Christian faith. then I put in the movie. I had a can of steel reserve beer with my meal, a burrito and potato chips. I figured it was a good idea to wait on the beer until I got back from the zoo, as I knew I wouldn't have anywhere I needed to go by then. it was really wet out there, and I had to take off my socks and shoes when I got home as they were soaked.

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