Thursday, March 9, 2017

arguing with myself

there was a department meeting at the office before midday and I go to the venue, nobody in there. so I go back to my cube and ask my boss if there is a meeting. I said I wasn't going in to an empty conference room and arguing with myself. it was why others didn't go in at first either, I found out. but we did have the meeting. sounds like my boss wants me to perform at the office as a warmup for other meetings, will have to hear more soon about this matter.
    I watched two 'big bang theory' episodes tonight. syndicated rerun was when leonard went to catalina with priya, raj's sister. even though raj forbade it. prime time episode was when the friends were having issues in their relationships and, according to leonard's mom, solved them with a 'buffer zone', having roommates live with them such as stuart, and now raj. after that was done I did a long walk around the neighborhood, and it netted 46 cents. it was 2 dimes, a nickel, 21 pennies, and went into my change bank. at first it was hard to recognize the nickel as it was dark and it was really beat up, likely from being in the street. as usual, much of what I found was at the car wash. this still seems to prove what I've read in the Wikipedia article, where pennies are usually either thrown away or found in jars. they just aren't used all that much.

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