Wednesday, September 4, 2019

typing test, 10 attempts

I had an interview for this morning, but it was canceled. it was odd that they decide to have the typing test first, I am used to having this as part of the process much earlier. I was told I would get 4 attempts to pass, needing 40 words per minute. I made 10 attempts, got close but couldn't reach 40. I said to the interviewer 'sorry for wasting your time' and they said they would review this process more closely. I said the phone interviewer was a younger woman, and she didn't seem to be the most competent based on the interactions I had with her. I did some more applying on indeed after this happened. I slept for a while in the afternoon, and then was woke up by a call. I said I needed more information about the job. then I found out it was a company that had already rejected me, through another agency, so it was a no-go. then I noticed my battery was low so I shut off my phone and plugged it in the wall to recharge it. during this time I got a call from another employer. but I did not turn on my phone again until late in the evening, so it means waiting until the next day to respond.
    in the evening I went to perform and it was a thin lineup. somebody showed up after we had called it a night, we told them they needed to show up earlier. I got a bottle of Gatorade this time as the place had it again. previously I was getting jarritos soda. the show runner liked hearing about one thing I found when I was in iowa. after the show I was still a little hungry and stopped at a small independent grocery store. I got a fruit pie, peach flavored, as well as a pack of 3 Kaiser rolls. 

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