Thursday, November 28, 2019

leisure seeker movie

this evening I watched a DVD movie on loan from the library, it was 'leisure seeker'. I recognized Donald Sutherland in it, helen mirren I have heard of but don't know near as well. it is about an elderly couple driving a Winnebago RV from Boston to Florida, to see the hemingway home in key west. this is definitely not a comedy. I laughed only once during it. this was when somebody falls on the ground and then falls asleep rather quickly. I like road movies, but this was hard to watch at times. since Donald's character has memory loss, this part of the story was hard to watch. but I did like seeing what stops they made along the way, such as at a historic site in virginia, with a colonial theme. at times in this odyssey one might wonder if they will get to key west, but they do. the movie would fill incomplete if they didn't. I liked mention of various writers besides just hemingway, as James Joyce, Tennessee Williams, and jack London were also mentioned. I am ambivalent about the 2016 election being a backdrop, as it seemed to add very little to the story. I do like one message the movie sends- how the travelers are saying 'it's my life' in the face of worried family members.
    even though it is thanksgiving, there was still plenty that I did today. I woke up early enough where I was able to get the annual viewing of 'planes trains and automobiles' in before a meetup walk at como zoo in st. paul. the walk ran beyond the expected end time but I didn't mind. when I was driving home I got the first football game on the radio, bears-lions. then I put it on TV when I got home. the bears won 24-20, and since there were other things I wanted to do the rest of the day that is the only game I watched. in the evening I picked up a turkey dinner from a nearby restaurant. no big deal having to move it back a little.

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