Sunday, November 10, 2019

motherless brooklyn movie

saw the movie 'motherless brooklyn' in inver grove heights this afternoon. I chose this theater based on the schedule I wanted to keep. because I wanted to see a football game on TV first, bears-lions. the movie is long, over 2 hours, but it kept my attention so I didn't mind. this has a good cast all around, besides ed Norton I also recognized bruce willis and alec baldwin in it. it took a while before I heard the movie's title but they do cover the origin of it, and I am used to hearing their 'explanation'.  I was next to somebody who laughed when they saw the Tourette syndrome tics by ed Norton, but I didn't see them as funny at all. I liked how a jazz club, in Harlem, figures into the storyline, because of course I am a performer and I liked mention of what a performer thinks about performing. how it is often more of a curse than a blessing. the jazz club is the easiest way to get music into the movie, and most movies have some. looks like Wynton marsalis was a performer there, I stay for the closing credits. as a baseball fan I liked mention of the sport in it, though it is just a backdrop, about trying to keep the dodgers in Brooklyn, a way of giving the time period for the movie. my dad would likely have known the cars well in it, since it has a setting in the 1950s. I know one car early in it was a dodge, since it was in big letters on the trunk.
   I watched the bear-lions game, starting at midday, although I fell asleep during the middle. the bears won 20-13, and there was mention of how back this series goes, to when the lions were the spartans, in Portsmouth, ohio. after I got back from the movie, I caught the ending of 'the simpsons', something about a 'lumber jill'. then I saw some 'big bang theory' reruns, including the one with the 'quiz bowl'.  I also did some shredding of junk mail, and I was able to eliminate the pile this time. other times I didn't want to do too much at once as the shredder will shut down if overheating. it helps to run it more often, such as every two weeks instead of once a month.

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