Saturday, November 9, 2019

spare pair of shoelaces

I knew it was time to get a pair of dress shoes to replace the one I have. I was pleased how there was a spare pair of laces in the ones I bought. I wanted to stretch my money, so I went to the clearance section to look at what was available. I ended up paying just over five dollars because I had some gift cards to use. I do like a good deal. I went to the jc penney in Roseville to find what I wanted. it was a day of errand running, of course this starts with going to pick up the orders at my po box. then it was on to the bank, where they had some goodies, and 'penny checks' on a board near it. I think it was a garden-variety 'customer appreciation day'. after getting the shoes, I had hoped to see a financial advisor at a credit union, but they had just closed for the day. so I went to the library and printed some things. it was time for lunch by then so I stopped at a speedway gas station and had a chili cheese hot dog. I saw no boats so it meant using napkins instead to carry it out. I wanted to get home and watch the iowa-wisconsin football game on TV. I fell asleep and missed some of it, but I saw the start and end of it. iowa lost 24-22.
   in the evening I did some online surveys, and fell asleep again while watching the late local news. once I woke up I wanted to get to the bar right away to sing karaoke. I did 'the story' by brandi carlile. while I was waiting I watched a show about the Minnesota Vikings, the local football team. I recognized who was on it, as it was a fellow comic, Worthington native. there were some problems with the technology, the karaoke computer needed to be re-booted multiple times. so it was in doubt as to if I was going to sing, but I was aided by some people leaving early. near the end of the night, the karaoke jockey doesn't wait long for somebody to get to the stage and sing before they move on to the next person. since they want as many singers as possible.
   this was also by typical day of getting groceries. it was the first time this season to get some egg nog, and I will likely get some once a week through the end of the season. I tend to see it in stores through new year's day. I chose a half gallon as that is all I could find, normally I get a quart. I saw 'almond milk' but I didn't want to take a chance on it, being reminded of when I tried soy milk egg nog and didn't like it at all.

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