Tuesday, November 26, 2019

scrolling down farther

much like the previous day, I got a call near the end of the shift which led to a form request. I had to call the resource line and found out I needed to scroll down farther to find it. at first I said it wasn't there, as I was used to the first field having what I needed. I decided to see 'how the other half lives' when taking the bus home as there were more available seats up front. the caller wanted copies of tax returns, sounded like there was a sense of urgency but the caller lived more than an hour away.
   looks like yet another open-mic was a no-go. I show up at the venue and it is locked up and lights off. so I got some popcorn and then went to do karaoke in another town. I sang 'pinch me' by the barenaked ladies. it was on my mind due to a lunch conversation. where someone made an observation about how busy it was in the breakroom. and it made me think of the song lyric, 'where hungry people like to eat'. it was nice to see the button's friend, likely the first time since she moved back from Colorado. the button did not make it, likely due to the weather. when I arrived it was light snow falling, but when I left more than an hour later there was plenty of snow on the ground. so I was fine with taking secondary roads home. the server from last week served me this time, although it was odd that she forgot my drink and then swore in my direction. I was at a table with people I knew, different from my M.O. of sitting at the bar.

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